An Actors Podcast by Douglas Taurel

Interview with Sgt. First Class Brian Eisch #11
I was honored and privileged to interview Sgt. First Class Brian Eisch on patriotism, my solo show, and what he feels can help our veterans transition back home from service. We also discussed his thoughts on how communities might better understand and support our veterans when they return. And how society can more openly discuss the needs of veterans and their families.

How to Block Your Solo Shown #10
We discuss on how to block a solo show during the rehearsal process.

Part II - 10 Lessons to make your first film a huge success #4
10 Lessons I Learned as a First Time Film Director

Part 1 - 10 Lessons to make your first film a huge success #3
Read and research. Read at least 2 books. If used as a mentor, books can close that experience gap some and give you some confidence.
Talk to experienced directors. Learn from them.
Storyboard your film. The most important thing is for you to have an idea for what each shot should be. Storyboards help give you a visual language for how to speak to everyone about what you want.
Get a great DP and AD. You need people that have insights that you don’t about the shot.
A good Production Manager is critical. They will make sure that the production runs smoothly.
A good Production Designer will make your set look as good as possible with your budget.